Time flies. Time waits for no man. Time heals all wounds. All any of us wants is more time. Time to stand up. Time to grow up. Time to let go. Time. ~ Grey’s Anatomy
This questionnaires was grab from here.
It’s just for fun, ok…?
And one of the ways to show that I support him and his works. Hee…
(macam la dia singgah… T_T)
1. What time did you get up this morning?
# 6.25 a.m.
2. Diamonds or pearls?
# Currently, I’m not interested with any.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
# Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian – I watched this alone. Hehhe…
4. What is your favorite TV show?
# FRIENDS and Grey’s Anatomy
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
# A bowl of Nescafe – surprised? Don’t be.
6. What is your middle name?
# Shafinaz
7. What food do you dislike?
# Any food that consist of vegetables.
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
# Imran’s ‘Dengan Secara Kebetulan’. I’m looking forward for ‘Punca dan Tindakan’ actually.
9. What kind of car do you drive?
# Sedan. Affordable. Can’t complaint.
10. Favorite sandwich?
# Egg & Mayonnaise
11. What characteristic do you despise?
# Arrogant
12. Favorite item of clothing?
# Jeans & Shirt. Simple.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
# If I can afford, I really like to go to all places around the world. Specific, maybe Greece. (influence – Sisterhood of Travelling Pants, Mamma Mia & FRIENDS)
14. What color is your bathroom?
# My parents’ house – Blue
15. Favorite brand of clothing?
# I don’t wear any specific brands. Anything, as long as it looks good on me.
16. Where would you retire to?
# Still, Shah Alam (I hope…)
17. What was your most recent memorable birthday?
# The one where my Baskin Robbins’ cake melted. Oh, huuu… (T_T)
18. Favorite sport to watch?
# Ermm, I used to like F1 very much.
19. Furthest place you are sending this?
# I’m not sending these questionnaires. Just post it in my blog.
20. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?
# Oh, hoo… Hopefully from the person that I copied from! (Ameen…!)
21. Person you expect to send it back first?
# No idea. I don’t think people will care enough about my blog though.
22. Favorite word?
# Currently – Buttt Te Ssoo! (who watched ‘My Girl’, they would know)
23. When is your birthday?
# March 17
24. Are you a morning person or a night person?
# I’m a morning person. Definitely.
25. What is your shoe size?
# 7
26. Pets?
# None. But I like cats.
27. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share with us?
# Nada.
28. What did you want to become when you were little?
# Doctor…? Don’t know. I can’t remember. I got a lot of ambitions when I was a kid.
29. How are you today?
# OK. Not good. Just ok.
30. What is your favorite candy?
# I don’t eat candy. Oh, maybe chocolates. Does it counts as candy…?
31. What is your favorite flower?
# Lilies, White Rose.
32. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
# 2 December 2009. Yee haa…
33. What is your full name?
# Noor Shafinaz Md Razali
34. What was the last thing you ate?
# Last night dinner. Sambal cili api cili masak. Marvelous!
35. Do you wish on stars?
# Yeap, sometimes.
36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
# Blue. Ocean blue.
37. How is the weather right now?
# I’m in the office cabin. Can’t see anything outside.
38. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
# My sister.
39. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
# Technically he’s not sending this. But yeah, yeah… Really, really like him! (…and hope to see him again, soon…)
40. Favorite soft drink?
# Iced lemon tea.
41. Favorite restaurant?
# Fast food restaurant…?
42. Hair color?
# Dark brown
43. Sibling?
# 2 sisters, 2 brothers
44. Favorite day of the year?
# Hari Raya’s Eve
45. What was your favorite toy as a child?
# Legos
46. Summer or winter?
# Winter
47. Hugs or kisses?
# Hugs
48. Chocolate or Vanilla?
# Vanilla
49. Do you want your friends to email you back?
# Yeap, if it’s relevant.
50. When was the last time you cried?
# Err… Early this month I guess.
51. What is under your bed?
# Currently, I don’t have any bed.
52. Who is the friend you have had the longest?
# My cousin – Abang. Hee…
53. What did you do last night?
# Watching TV and then fell asleep around 10 p.m.
54. Favorite smell?
# Nice perfume from a well dressed guy. Hahha…
55. What are you afraid of?
# Things that I don’t know how to solve. Make me feel like I’m kind of a loser.
56. Plain, buttered, or salted Popcorn?
# Caramel Popcorn from GSC.
57. How many keys on your key ring?
# I don’t have key ring. Car key? Just the car key hangs together with stuff toy.
58. How many years at your current job?
# With my current company, it’s been 1 year and 17 days.
59. Favorite day of the week?
# Saturday
60. How many towns have you lived in?
# 2 – Petaling Jaya & Shah Alam
61. Do you make friends easily?
# Nope. People think I’m kind of ‘skema’ at first normally, which I’m not. You’ll know if you’re my friends. Ngee…
62. How many people will you be sending this to?
# I’m not sending this but like I said earlier, I’ll post it in my blog. Anybody who like to respond, go ahead…!
Don't Stand So Close to Me
Entri saya yang sebelum ini telah menimbulkan sesuatu yang mencurigakan.
Hingga teman saya berpendapat sesuatu yang menarik sedang berlaku dengan diri saya.
Oh, tidak!
Bukan, bukan.
Saya belum lagi sampai ke fasa itu.
Masih dalam proses (perasan…!)
Senang cerita, beginilah.
Jika anda kenal siapa saya,
Mungkin anda tahu dengan sejarah saya yang terdahulu.
Masih ingat dengan James Lance Bass?
Incik Tom?
Incik Piah?
Zafri Nazarudin?
Incik W?
Robert Pattinson? (hahh, ni kalo tak kenal tak tau la…)
Dan terbaru…
Ehem, ‘you-know-who’ la kan?
Itulah masalah saya.
Jika hati saya sudah mula berminat dengan seseorang, tindakan dan perangai saya boleh jadi separuh gila.
Masya Allah, teruk betul saya kan?
Tidak kiralah samada orang itu selebriti atau lelaki biasa.
Saya akan mengikuti perkembangan orang itu sehabis boleh.
Jangan terkejut jika saya katakan saya boleh cam tuala mandi orang-orang tertentu itu!
See, confession of a stalker!
Dengan itu, di sini ingin saya dedahkan.
Jika anda tidak mahu diri anda diekori,
Sila elakkan diri anda daripada saya. Ngee…
Tapi janganlah anda risau.
Saya masih lagi boleh mengawal diri saya.
Tidak pun sampai mengupah ‘Private Investigator’ untuk mengekori anda.
Hanya internet sahaja medium yang ada untuk melayan sifat buruk saya yang satu ini.
- Malu, Imran Ajmain
Nota kaki: Sebenarnya penat tau jadi peminat ni. Feeling sorang-sorang. Well… That’s me!
Harapan Kecewa
Sayang lah nak apdet dengan entri baru.
Sayang dengan entri yang sebelum ni.
Tapi takpe lah.
Life must go on kan?
Lagi-lagi sekarang ni tengah mood kurang gembira.
Harapan Kecewa.
That’s it!
Jangan tanya kenapa.
Tapi memang betul-betul kecewa.
Perasan terlebih kot.
Ok, last Thursday bawak watashi no Koibito ke Proton COSE.
Biasalah, kenalah di service kan?
Berlubang lagi poket.
Sambil tunggu kereta siap, ajak Along ponteng juga.
Hehhe, and luckily dia memang pun nak ponteng kerja hari tu.
Citt, alasan la konon kata Cerry Berry.
(tu la, sape suro makan petai banyak-banyak.. gagaga…)
Next destination – Mutiara Damansara.
Saja jalan-jalan.
Beli itu ini.
Just want to kill the time before Proton tell me that my car’s ready.
Dalam pukul 4 lebih, koibito pun dah siap.
Then, pergi la kembali ke COE Building Service Centre untuk ambil koibito ku yang cantik di polish.
Kesian dia, dah lama tak buang daki. Ngee…
Check twitter updet kejap.
Oh, shoot!
‘Dia’ ada kat The Curve pulak.
Frust nya… Kalau lah layan tekak Along kat Starbucks, agaknya dapat lah jadi orang gila lagi for that day.
Well, God knows well.
Ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian tu…
Petang, pergi jogging (teman Along ye. Ditegaskan di sini – teman Along)
Balik pancit… huhhu…
Bangun pagi – sakit perut!
Alahai, takpe lah. Amek MC.
(takyah pergi kerja lagi hari ni…)
Sungguh sengal 2 hari tanpa internet tau.
Kejap-kejap check fesbuk & twitter via handphone.
What can I say?
Right now, I’m addicted to it.
Tapi, itu lah kan…
Sekali dapat tahu benda yang tak best pulak.
‘Harapan Kecewa’ lagi.
Makanya, untuk melayan kekecewaan itu, saya nak layan ‘Dengan Secara Kebetulan’ sampai saya jumpa ‘Punca dan Tindakan’.
Is that a good solution?
Makin rabak hati aku adalah…
nota telinga: Sukalah dengan ‘Compromise’. Seperti di carik-carik rasanya di dalam.
Punca dan Tindakan

Untuk 2 minggu ini, kalendar hujung minggu saya dipenuhi dengan undangan perkahwinan.
On the 23rd May 2009.
Puan Nurul Nafisah dan pasangan. (hihhi, pchah da jadi ‘Puan’…!)
Adi & Pchah
The Gediks
A week after that, 30th May 2009.
Puan Noor Farizan dan pasangan.
Congrats juga kepada Puan Farizan ye dengan kerja baru.
Bertuah betul kamu.
Jangan lupa dengan kompeni yang lama ya.

The 3-tier cake... Nice!
Oh, and that evening also, I met this gorgeous man!
Hahha, kacak lah orang ini.
Saya suka!
Walaupun saya sangat cemburu (jika benar hubungannya dengan adik Datuk Siti itu…huhhu…)
Takpe, takpe… Gossip je tu, kan Imran kan…?

Dan pada 31st May 2009.
Puan Siti Rahayu dan pasangan.
(ehem, saya suka le pelamin kamu…!)

The Gediks - again...!
Jepun, ape ko buat haa..? ngee...
Tahniah ye teman-teman.
Status kamu sudah bertukar…!

And finally 'The Action' - keterujaan melampau
Nota cardio: Terasa seperti curang dengan Edward Cullen pula. Ngee… I just can’t help it. Gosh! He’s sooo tall…!!